Glen Scotia — Classic Cambletown Malt — Single Malt — Double Cask

Alan Marshall
1 min readApr 5, 2020


I bought this, as it was reduced in M&S, I’m beginning to warm to it, my first impression wasn’t great, vanilla, not too spicy, hint of pepper, or is that the salt spray?

It lacks body, it’s strong at 46%, but is sort of watery? On the plus side, the vanilla is quite strong, so it’s sweet and very smooth, very little burn, not sure if that’s good or bad?

Perhaps it’s the slight smokiness I find off putting? It’s not peaty, (I don’t like peaty whisky), but there’s something I’m not sure about!

I don’t dislike it, and I’m glad I bought it, nice to try something different, but I won’t buy it again.

