The Balvenie 12 Year Old Doublewood Single Malt Whisky

Alan Marshall
2 min readJun 12, 2019


This has been on my wishlist to try for a while, a couple of friends have recommended it, but it’s never on special offer in the supermarket, and costs a bit more than I usually spend. £39 is not expensive in the grand whisky scheme of things, but is at the more expensive end in your average supermarket, and it’s a lot of money to spend on a whim to try something new.

Anyway, at Christmas I caught up with a friend who doesn’t live near me, and he was kind enough to surprise me with a bottle as a gift, as he had been banging on about it as a friend of his introduced him to it on holiday.

I’m very grateful, it’s very nice, and well worth the money, which isn’t something I very often say about the whiskies I review, yes, I would happily pay full price for this, it’s that good!

It’s very smooth, next to no burn, but you know it’s there. It’s sweet, without being sickly, starts off with warm vanilla, then the subtle fruits come through, which according to the tube comes from the oak cask which is used first, then the sherry cask.

I wish I had some Yamazaki left to compare it to, as I think that’s the only other whisky I’ve had which is comparable in terms of quality.

If no-one buys me this for Christmas this year, I may treat myself, or even try one of their other affordable whiskies.

Also, I’ve only drunk it neat — seems a waste to pollute it with a mixer ;)

